🎉 Live for 2025!

Win your leagueon draft day.

Create your own fantasy football rankings and cheat sheets with our ultimate draft tool.




players won their drafts

BeatADP hero image showcasing our platform’s features

BeatADP's fantasy football philosophy

Hey, I’m Owen 👋 – welcome to the story behind BeatADP. In 2023, I heard JJ Zacharison say, “You don’t have to love a player to draft them—just like them more than your leaguemates.” That sparked an idea. I built a rough spreadsheet to rank players better than generic platform data. It was clunky, but it worked.

By summer 2024, I turned that idea into BeatADP—a seamless, user-friendly fantasy ranking tool.

Take Marquise Brown in 2024—hyped as the Chiefs' WR1, then sidelined by injury. Traditional platforms were slow to adjust, leaving managers stuck on outdated hype. With personalized rankings, you can get an edge on your leaguemates who are consciously or subconsciously being persuaded by outdated platform who rely on stale data.

Thanks for being here. I’m dedicated to building a great tool for your drafts. Wishing you an amazing 2025 season!

Step 1 - Create your Cheat Sheet

Customize your rankings with our user-friendly fantasy football software designed to boost your draft strategy.

Drag and Drop
Easily rearrange player rankings using an intuitive drag and drop interface that simplifies your draft planning process.
Organize players into distinct tiers to quickly identify groups with similar value and make informed decisions.
Add Player Attributes
Enhance your cheat sheet by including key player attributes such as speed, agility, and injury history for a comprehensive analysis.
Auction Values
Integrate auction value data to assess player cost accurately and maximize your budget during drafts.
Compare to ADP
Benchmark your rankings against Average Draft Positions (ADP) to validate selections and refine your draft strategy.
Custom to Your League Settings
Tailor your cheat sheet to match your league's unique scoring systems and roster requirements for optimal results.

Step 2 - Draft with synced rankings

We sync your draft to our platform to mark drafted players off of your cheat sheet.

Sync Draft
Keep your draft aligned in real time—updates across BeatADP and your platform ensure every pick is tracked.
Multiple Views
Switch between various draft layouts to analyze the draft board from different angles and make informed decisions.
See your Team
Access insights and a real-time view of your team, helping you optimize player selections and performance.
Get a League View
Gain a comprehensive overview of your league's draft position to strategically plan your next move.

Your Fantasy Big Board

The BeatADP draft board has multiple views to help you make informed picks.

League view illustration showing the fantasy football draft board

Supported Platforms

... or draft manually!


Create your winning formula.

USD /month
billed annually
  • Create custom ranking sheets

  • Draft live with ESPN & Sleeper integration

  • Rank players, create tiers, set attributes, set auction values

  • Export Rankings as CSV and PDF

  • Create 1 ranking sheet

  • Compare rankings vs. platform ADP

USD /month
billed annually
  • Create custom ranking sheets

  • Draft live with ESPN & Sleeper integration

  • Rank players, create tiers, set attributes, set auction values

  • Export Rankings as CSV and PDF

  • Create unlimited ranking sheets

  • Compare rankings vs. platform ADP


Frequently Asked Questions

Email footballbeatadp@gmail.com to contact our support team.